Most likely, you’ve passed by hundreds of these in New Castle but never gave them much thought. They are colorful, often branded, and make buildings look more appealing. They break up the monotony of buildings to give them character. What are we talking about? Commercial awnings, of course!
As was mentioned, you see these all the time on small strip buildings and freestanding buildings in Boardman, but probably never really gave much of a thought about them. Some restaurant chains use them as part of what makes their buildings distinctive. But have you ever thought about the benefits of commercial awnings?
5 Reasons To Have A Commercial Awning
There are several reasons why a Hermitage business would want to include a commercial awning on their building. First, and perhaps the most important, is the fact that a commercial awning provides improved visibility for the business. People driving through Wilmington will more readily notice a colored commercial awning on a building and wonder what business is there. If your business has multiple locations, having the same commercial awning at all locations helps customers to know that they are at the right place, even if they haven’t visited that particular location of yours before.
A second reason for a commercial awning is for promotion. Having your business name and color used on the awning reinforces your business in your customer’s mind. A third reason is for protection, sometimes outside the store but certainly inside the store. A commercial awning can help protect against some of the UV rays that come through your windows and cause fading and damage to things inside your business. Awnings can also help decrease the amount of rain and snow that might be tracked into the building.
Reason four is money saving. Having a commercial awning helps to block some of the sunshine that comes into your business, thereby reducing the expense of cooling the building as much. And reason number five for having a commercial awning for your Newark business is that it can help provide some additional space outside to display a special sign or merchandise on the sidewalk by blocking some sun or rain.
Working 24/7 For Your Business
Commercial awnings from Brand It Signs are always working for your Kennett Square business. They have no moving parts, are colorful and draw the eye toward it, can feature your business name on them, help to identify your locations if you have multiple locations, and have several benefits as outlined above. Give Brand It Signs a call today to see what options would work for your business.